We are a 100% online, nondenominational, LGBTQ+ friendly, all inclusive, modern, progressive Christian Ministry. What that means is we do not exclude anyone from our Ministry.


We are born with gifts from God. They include: knowledge, wisdom, free will, the ability to reason, the ability to solve our mistakes in a logical manner. In order to put these gifts into motion God blessed us with the greatest gift of all OUR BRAIN.

Inner Peace is achieved through our compliance with the laws of nature, the laws of the land and Gods Laws (Ten Commandments). Two of these three Laws must be in unison with the other or we are not at peace.

When I was in law enforcement my partner and I pulled over a vehicle for drifting through a stop sign. As we approached the vehicle I started getting bad vibes. The driver was acting too cooperative and my bad vibes got stronger. As my partner ran the tag I could see inside the car and the young lady seemed to be in a catatonic state. I asked the driver if she was sick and he replied “no just pissed off at me”. Something just didn’t feel right so i handcuffed the driver and proceeded to the passenger side. I asked the young lady to step out of the car. I asked how old she was and she replied 24. Now I’ve never been the sharpest tool in the shed but I knew she was exaggerating. I put her in the back of our patrol unit and continued our conversation. The driver was her pimp, she was a 14 year old runaway from Washington State and they are on their way to meet a john. I closed the door, telling her to sit tight. The license came back valid but had an alert with it. The driver was a convicted felon that was just released from prison. He’s wanted by several authorities and his extensive list of crimes included aiding and abetting prostitution, and assault on law enforcement. The alert was: when he was released from prison this time a Corrections Officer overhead him saying to another inmate, ” from now on I’m taking out any pig I see.” I thanked the Lord a couple hundred times that day that he blessed me with the ability to interpret those vibes in a way that sparked a high sense of caution and that we were able to arrest the driver with no physical harm to ether my partner or myself.

That day two of the Laws worked together as one. When I went home that evening I felt at peace more than I ever had in my life. Once again I thanked the Lord for providing the gifts that allowed me attain INNER PEACE.

The Triangle for the soul


